Service Data Object (SDO) ========================= The SDO protocol is used for setting and for reading values from the object dictionary of a remote device. The device whose object dictionary is accessed is the SDO server and the device accessing the remote device is the SDO client. The communication is always initiated by the SDO client. In CANopen terminology, communication is viewed from the SDO server, so that a read from an object dictionary results in an SDO upload and a write to a dictionary entry is an SDO download. Because the object dictionary values can be larger than the eight bytes limit of a CAN frame, the SDO protocol implements segmentation and desegmentation of longer messages. Actually, there are two of these protocols: SDO download/upload and SDO Block download/upload. The SDO block transfer is a newer addition to standard, which allows large amounts of data to be transferred with slightly less protocol overhead. The COB-IDs of the respective SDO transfer messages from client to server and server to client can be set in the object dictionary. Up to 128 SDO servers can be set up in the object dictionary at addresses 0x1200 - 0x127F. Similarly, the SDO client connections of the device can be configured with variables at 0x1280 - 0x12FF. However the pre-defined connection set defines an SDO channel which can be used even just after bootup (in the Pre-operational state) to configure the device. The COB-IDs of this channel are 0x600 + node ID for receiving and 0x580 + node ID for transmitting. Examples -------- SDO objects can be accessed using the ``.sdo`` member which works like a Python dictionary. Indexes and subindexes can be identified by either name or number. The code below only creates objects, no messages are sent or received yet:: # Complex records command_all = node.sdo['ApplicationCommands']['CommandAll'] actual_speed = node.sdo['ApplicationStatus']['ActualSpeed'] control_mode = node.sdo['ApplicationSetupParameters']['RequestedControlMode'] # Simple variables device_type = node.sdo[0x1000] # Arrays error_log = node.sdo[0x1003] To actually read or write the variables, use the ``.raw``, ``.phys``, ``.desc``, or ``.bits`` attributes:: print("The device type is 0x%X" % device_type.raw) # Using value descriptions instead of integers (if supported by OD) control_mode.desc = 'Speed Mode' # Set individual bit command_all.bits[3] = 1 # Read and write physical values scaled by a factor (if supported by OD) print("The actual speed is %f rpm" % actual_speed.phys) # Iterate over arrays or records for error in error_log.values(): print("Error 0x%X was found in the log" % error.raw) It is also possible to read and write to variables that are not in the Object Dictionary, but only using raw bytes:: device_type_data = node.sdo.upload(0x1000, 0), 0, b'\x00\x00') Variables can be opened as readable or writable file objects which can be useful when dealing with large amounts of data:: # Open the Store EDS variable as a file like object with node.sdo[0x1021].open('r', encoding='ascii') as infile, open('out.eds', 'w', encoding='ascii') as outfile: # Iteratively read lines from node and write to file outfile.writelines(infile) Most APIs accepting file objects should also be able to accept this. Block transfer can be used to effectively transfer large amounts of data if the server supports it. This is done through the file object interface:: FIRMWARE_PATH = '/path/to/firmware.bin' FILESIZE = os.path.getsize(FIRMWARE_PATH) with open(FIRMWARE_PATH, 'rb') as infile, node.sdo['Firmware'].open('wb', size=FILESIZE, block_transfer=True) as outfile: # Iteratively transfer data without having to read all into memory while True: data = if not data: break outfile.write(data) .. warning:: Block transfer is still in experimental stage! API --- .. autoclass:: canopen.sdo.SdoClient :members: .. py:attribute:: od The :class:`canopen.ObjectDictionary` associated with this object. .. describe:: c[index] Return the SDO object for the specified index (as int) or name (as string). .. describe:: iter(c) Return an iterator over the indexes from the object dictionary. .. describe:: index in c Return ``True`` if the index (as int) or name (as string) exists in the object dictionary. .. describe:: len(c) Return the number of indexes in the object dictionary. .. method:: values() Return a list of objects (records, arrays and variables). .. autoclass:: canopen.sdo.SdoServer :members: .. py:attribute:: od The :class:`canopen.ObjectDictionary` associated with this object. .. describe:: c[index] Return the SDO object for the specified index (as int) or name (as string). .. describe:: iter(c) Return an iterator over the indexes from the object dictionary. .. describe:: index in c Return ``True`` if the index (as int) or name (as string) exists in the object dictionary. .. describe:: len(c) Return the number of indexes in the object dictionary. .. method:: values() Return a list of objects (records, arrays and variables). .. autoclass:: canopen.sdo.SdoVariable :members: :inherited-members: .. py:attribute:: od The :class:`canopen.objectdictionary.ODVariable` associated with this object. .. autoclass:: canopen.sdo.SdoRecord :members: .. py:attribute:: od The :class:`canopen.objectdictionary.ODRecord` associated with this object. .. describe:: record[subindex] Return the :class:`canopen.sdo.SdoVariable` for the specified subindex (as int) or name (as string). .. describe:: iter(record) Return an iterator over the subindexes from the record. .. describe:: subindex in record Return ``True`` if the subindex (as int) or name (as string) exists in the record. .. describe:: len(record) Return the number of subindexes in the record. .. method:: values() Return a list of :class:`canopen.sdo.SdoVariable` in the record. .. autoclass:: canopen.sdo.SdoArray :members: .. py:attribute:: od The :class:`canopen.objectdictionary.ODArray` associated with this object. .. describe:: array[subindex] Return the :class:`canopen.sdo.SdoVariable` for the specified subindex (as int) or name (as string). .. describe:: iter(array) Return an iterator over the subindexes from the array. This will make a SDO read operation on subindex 0 in order to get the actual length of the array. .. describe:: subindex in array Return ``True`` if the subindex (as int) or name (as string) exists in the array. This will make a SDO read operation on subindex 0 in order to get the actual length of the array. .. describe:: len(array) Return the length of the array. This will make a SDO read operation on subindex 0. .. method:: values() Return a list of :class:`canopen.sdo.SdoVariable` in the array. This will make a SDO read operation on subindex 0 in order to get the actual length of the array. .. autoexception:: canopen.SdoAbortedError :show-inheritance: :members: .. autoexception:: canopen.SdoCommunicationError :show-inheritance: :members: