Source code for canopen.sdo.server

import logging

from canopen.sdo.base import SdoBase
from canopen.sdo.constants import *
from canopen.sdo.exceptions import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SdoServer(SdoBase): """Creates an SDO server.""" def __init__(self, rx_cobid, tx_cobid, node): """ :param int rx_cobid: COB-ID that the server receives on (usually 0x600 + node ID) :param int tx_cobid: COB-ID that the server responds with (usually 0x580 + node ID) :param canopen.LocalNode od: Node object owning the server """ SdoBase.__init__(self, rx_cobid, tx_cobid, node.object_dictionary) self._node = node self._buffer = None self._toggle = 0 self._index = None self._subindex = None self.last_received_error = 0x00000000 def on_request(self, can_id, data, timestamp): command, = struct.unpack_from("B", data, 0) ccs = command & 0xE0 try: if ccs == REQUEST_UPLOAD: self.init_upload(data) elif ccs == REQUEST_SEGMENT_UPLOAD: self.segmented_upload(command) elif ccs == REQUEST_DOWNLOAD: self.init_download(data) elif ccs == REQUEST_SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD: self.segmented_download(command, data) elif ccs == REQUEST_BLOCK_UPLOAD: self.block_upload(data) elif ccs == REQUEST_BLOCK_DOWNLOAD: self.block_download(data) elif ccs == REQUEST_ABORTED: self.request_aborted(data) else: self.abort(0x05040001) except SdoAbortedError as exc: self.abort(exc.code) except KeyError as exc: self.abort(0x06020000) except Exception as exc: self.abort() logger.exception(exc) def init_upload(self, request): _, index, subindex = SDO_STRUCT.unpack_from(request) self._index = index self._subindex = subindex res_command = RESPONSE_UPLOAD | SIZE_SPECIFIED response = bytearray(8) data = self._node.get_data(index, subindex, check_readable=True) size = len(data) if size <= 4:"Expedited upload for 0x%X:%d", index, subindex) res_command |= EXPEDITED res_command |= (4 - size) << 2 response[4:4 + size] = data else:"Initiating segmented upload for 0x%X:%d", index, subindex) struct.pack_into("<L", response, 4, size) self._buffer = bytearray(data) self._toggle = 0 SDO_STRUCT.pack_into(response, 0, res_command, index, subindex) self.send_response(response) def segmented_upload(self, command): if command & TOGGLE_BIT != self._toggle: # Toggle bit mismatch raise SdoAbortedError(0x05030000) data = self._buffer[:7] size = len(data) # Remove sent data from buffer del self._buffer[:7] res_command = RESPONSE_SEGMENT_UPLOAD # Add toggle bit res_command |= self._toggle # Add nof bytes not used res_command |= (7 - size) << 1 if not self._buffer: # Nothing left in buffer res_command |= NO_MORE_DATA # Toggle bit for next message self._toggle ^= TOGGLE_BIT response = bytearray(8) response[0] = res_command response[1:1 + size] = data self.send_response(response) def block_upload(self, data): # We currently don't support BLOCK UPLOAD # according to CIA301 the server is allowed # to switch to regular upload"Received block upload, switch to regular SDO upload") self.init_upload(data) def request_aborted(self, data): _, index, subindex, code = struct.unpack_from("<BHBL", data) self.last_received_error = code"Received request aborted for 0x%X:%d with code 0x%X", index, subindex, code) def block_download(self, data): # We currently don't support BLOCK DOWNLOAD logger.error("Block download is not supported") self.abort(0x05040001) def init_download(self, request): # TODO: Check if writable (now would fail on end of segmented downloads) command, index, subindex = SDO_STRUCT.unpack_from(request) self._index = index self._subindex = subindex res_command = RESPONSE_DOWNLOAD response = bytearray(8) if command & EXPEDITED:"Expedited download for 0x%X:%d", index, subindex) if command & SIZE_SPECIFIED: size = 4 - ((command >> 2) & 0x3) else: size = 4 self._node.set_data(index, subindex, request[4:4 + size], check_writable=True) else:"Initiating segmented download for 0x%X:%d", index, subindex) if command & SIZE_SPECIFIED: size, = struct.unpack_from("<L", request, 4)"Size is %d bytes", size) self._buffer = bytearray() self._toggle = 0 SDO_STRUCT.pack_into(response, 0, res_command, index, subindex) self.send_response(response) def segmented_download(self, command, request): if command & TOGGLE_BIT != self._toggle: # Toggle bit mismatch raise SdoAbortedError(0x05030000) last_byte = 8 - ((command >> 1) & 0x7) self._buffer.extend(request[1:last_byte]) if command & NO_MORE_DATA: self._node.set_data(self._index, self._subindex, self._buffer, check_writable=True) res_command = RESPONSE_SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD # Add toggle bit res_command |= self._toggle # Toggle bit for next message self._toggle ^= TOGGLE_BIT response = bytearray(8) response[0] = res_command self.send_response(response) def send_response(self, response):, response)
[docs] def abort(self, abort_code=0x08000000): """Abort current transfer.""" data = struct.pack("<BHBL", RESPONSE_ABORTED, self._index, self._subindex, abort_code) self.send_response(data)
# logger.error("Transfer aborted with code 0x{:08X}".format(abort_code))
[docs] def upload(self, index: int, subindex: int) -> bytes: """May be called to make a read operation without an Object Dictionary. :param index: Index of object to read. :param subindex: Sub-index of object to read. :return: A data object. :raises canopen.SdoAbortedError: When node responds with an error. """ return self._node.get_data(index, subindex)
[docs] def download( self, index: int, subindex: int, data: bytes, force_segment: bool = False, ): """May be called to make a write operation without an Object Dictionary. :param index: Index of object to write. :param subindex: Sub-index of object to write. :param data: Data to be written. :raises canopen.SdoAbortedError: When node responds with an error. """ return self._node.set_data(index, subindex, data)