Source code for canopen.objectdictionary

Object Dictionary module
import struct
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, TextIO, Union
    from import MutableMapping, Mapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableMapping, Mapping
import logging

from canopen.objectdictionary.datatypes import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def export_od(od, dest:Union[str,TextIO,None]=None, doc_type:Optional[str]=None):
    """ Export :class: ObjectDictionary to a file.

    :param od:
        :class: ObjectDictionary object to be exported
    :param dest:
        export destination. filename, or file-like object or None.
        if None, the document is returned as string
    :param doc_type: type of document to export.
       If a filename is given for dest, this default to the file extension.
       Otherwise, this defaults to "eds"
    :rtype: str or None

    doctypes = {"eds", "dcf"}
    if isinstance(dest, str):
        if doc_type is None:
            for t in doctypes:
                if dest.endswith(f".{t}"):
                    doc_type = t

        if doc_type is None:
            doc_type = "eds"
        dest = open(dest, 'w')
    assert doc_type in doctypes

    if doc_type == "eds":
        from canopen.objectdictionary import eds
        return eds.export_eds(od, dest)
    elif doc_type == "dcf":
        from canopen.objectdictionary import eds
        return eds.export_dcf(od, dest)

    # If dest is opened in this fn, it should be closed
    if type(dest) is str:

def import_od(
    source: Union[str, TextIO, None],
    node_id: Optional[int] = None,
) -> "ObjectDictionary":
    """Parse an EDS, DCF, or EPF file.

    :param source:
        Path to object dictionary file or a file like object or an EPF XML tree.

        An Object Dictionary instance.
    if source is None:
        return ObjectDictionary()
    if hasattr(source, "read"):
        # File like object
        filename =
    elif hasattr(source, "tag"):
        # XML tree, probably from an EPF file
        filename = "od.epf"
        # Path to file
        filename = source
    suffix = filename[filename.rfind("."):].lower()
    if suffix in (".eds", ".dcf"):
        from canopen.objectdictionary import eds
        return eds.import_eds(source, node_id)
    elif suffix == ".epf":
        from canopen.objectdictionary import epf
        return epf.import_epf(source)
        raise NotImplementedError("No support for this format")

[docs] class ObjectDictionary(MutableMapping): """Representation of the object dictionary as a Python dictionary.""" def __init__(self): self.indices = {} self.names = {} self.comments = "" #: Default bitrate if specified by file self.bitrate: Optional[int] = None #: Node ID if specified by file self.node_id: Optional[int] = None #: Some information about the device self.device_information = DeviceInformation() def __getitem__( self, index: Union[int, str] ) -> Union["ODArray", "ODRecord", "ODVariable"]: """Get object from object dictionary by name or index.""" item = self.names.get(index) or self.indices.get(index) if item is None: name = "0x%X" % index if isinstance(index, int) else index raise KeyError("%s was not found in Object Dictionary" % name) return item def __setitem__( self, index: Union[int, str], obj: Union["ODArray", "ODRecord", "ODVariable"] ): assert index == obj.index or index == self.add_object(obj) def __delitem__(self, index: Union[int, str]): obj = self[index] del self.indices[obj.index] del self.names[] def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[int]: return iter(sorted(self.indices)) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.indices) def __contains__(self, index: Union[int, str]): return index in self.names or index in self.indices
[docs] def add_object(self, obj: Union["ODArray", "ODRecord", "ODVariable"]) -> None: """Add object to the object dictionary. :param obj: Should be either one of :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODVariable`, :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODRecord`, or :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODArray`. """ obj.parent = self self.indices[obj.index] = obj self.names[] = obj
[docs] def get_variable( self, index: Union[int, str], subindex: int = 0 ) -> Optional["ODVariable"]: """Get the variable object at specified index (and subindex if applicable). :return: ODVariable if found, else `None` """ obj = self.get(index) if isinstance(obj, ODVariable): return obj elif isinstance(obj, (ODRecord, ODArray)): return obj.get(subindex)
[docs] class ODRecord(MutableMapping): """Groups multiple :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODVariable` objects using subindices. """ #: Description for the whole record description = "" def __init__(self, name: str, index: int): #: The :class:`~canopen.ObjectDictionary` owning the record. self.parent: Optional[ObjectDictionary] = None #: 16-bit address of the record self.index = index #: Name of record = name #: Storage location of index self.storage_location = None self.subindices = {} self.names = {} def __getitem__(self, subindex: Union[int, str]) -> "ODVariable": item = self.names.get(subindex) or self.subindices.get(subindex) if item is None: raise KeyError("Subindex %s was not found" % subindex) return item def __setitem__(self, subindex: Union[int, str], var: "ODVariable"): assert subindex == var.subindex self.add_member(var) def __delitem__(self, subindex: Union[int, str]): var = self[subindex] del self.subindices[var.subindex] del self.names[] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.subindices) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[int]: return iter(sorted(self.subindices)) def __contains__(self, subindex: Union[int, str]) -> bool: return subindex in self.names or subindex in self.subindices def __eq__(self, other: "ODRecord") -> bool: return self.index == other.index
[docs] def add_member(self, variable: "ODVariable") -> None: """Adds a :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODVariable` to the record.""" variable.parent = self self.subindices[variable.subindex] = variable self.names[] = variable
[docs] class ODArray(Mapping): """An array of :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODVariable` objects using subindices. Actual length of array must be read from the node using SDO. """ #: Description for the whole array description = "" def __init__(self, name: str, index: int): #: The :class:`~canopen.ObjectDictionary` owning the record. self.parent = None #: 16-bit address of the array self.index = index #: Name of array = name #: Storage location of index self.storage_location = None self.subindices = {} self.names = {} def __getitem__(self, subindex: Union[int, str]) -> "ODVariable": var = self.names.get(subindex) or self.subindices.get(subindex) if var is not None: # This subindex is defined pass elif isinstance(subindex, int) and 0 < subindex < 256: # Create a new variable based on first array item template = self.subindices[1] name = "%s_%x" % (, subindex) var = ODVariable(name, self.index, subindex) var.parent = self for attr in ("data_type", "unit", "factor", "min", "max", "default", "access_type", "description", "value_descriptions", "bit_definitions", "storage_location"): if attr in template.__dict__: var.__dict__[attr] = template.__dict__[attr] else: raise KeyError("Could not find subindex %r" % subindex) return var def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.subindices) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[int]: return iter(sorted(self.subindices)) def __eq__(self, other: "ODArray") -> bool: return self.index == other.index
[docs] def add_member(self, variable: "ODVariable") -> None: """Adds a :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODVariable` to the record.""" variable.parent = self self.subindices[variable.subindex] = variable self.names[] = variable
[docs] class ODVariable: """Simple variable.""" STRUCT_TYPES = { BOOLEAN: struct.Struct("?"), INTEGER8: struct.Struct("b"), INTEGER16: struct.Struct("<h"), INTEGER32: struct.Struct("<l"), INTEGER64: struct.Struct("<q"), UNSIGNED8: struct.Struct("B"), UNSIGNED16: struct.Struct("<H"), UNSIGNED32: struct.Struct("<L"), UNSIGNED64: struct.Struct("<Q"), REAL32: struct.Struct("<f"), REAL64: struct.Struct("<d") } def __init__(self, name: str, index: int, subindex: int = 0): #: The :class:`~canopen.ObjectDictionary`, #: :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODRecord` or #: :class:`~canopen.objectdictionary.ODArray` owning the variable self.parent = None #: 16-bit address of the object in the dictionary self.index = index #: 8-bit sub-index of the object in the dictionary self.subindex = subindex #: String representation of the variable = name #: Physical unit self.unit: str = "" #: Factor between physical unit and integer value self.factor: float = 1 #: Minimum allowed value self.min: Optional[int] = None #: Maximum allowed value self.max: Optional[int] = None #: Default value at start-up self.default: Optional[int] = None #: Is the default value relative to the node-ID (only applies to COB-IDs) self.relative = False #: The value of this variable stored in the object dictionary self.value: Optional[int] = None #: Data type according to the standard as an :class:`int` self.data_type: Optional[int] = None #: Access type, should be "rw", "ro", "wo", or "const" self.access_type: str = "rw" #: Description of variable self.description: str = "" #: Dictionary of value descriptions self.value_descriptions: Dict[int, str] = {} #: Dictionary of bitfield definitions self.bit_definitions: Dict[str, List[int]] = {} #: Storage location of index self.storage_location = None #: Can this variable be mapped to a PDO self.pdo_mappable = False def __eq__(self, other: "ODVariable") -> bool: return (self.index == other.index and self.subindex == other.subindex) def __len__(self) -> int: if self.data_type in self.STRUCT_TYPES: return self.STRUCT_TYPES[self.data_type].size * 8 else: return 8 @property def writable(self) -> bool: return "w" in self.access_type @property def readable(self) -> bool: return "r" in self.access_type or self.access_type == "const"
[docs] def add_value_description(self, value: int, descr: str) -> None: """Associate a value with a string description. :param value: Value to describe :param desc: Description of value """ self.value_descriptions[value] = descr
[docs] def add_bit_definition(self, name: str, bits: List[int]) -> None: """Associate bit(s) with a string description. :param name: Name of bit(s) :param bits: List of bits as integers """ self.bit_definitions[name] = bits
def decode_raw(self, data: bytes) -> Union[int, float, str, bytes, bytearray]: if self.data_type == VISIBLE_STRING: return data.rstrip(b"\x00").decode("ascii", errors="ignore") elif self.data_type == UNICODE_STRING: # Is this correct? return data.rstrip(b"\x00").decode("utf_16_le", errors="ignore") elif self.data_type in self.STRUCT_TYPES: try: value, = self.STRUCT_TYPES[self.data_type].unpack(data) return value except struct.error: raise ObjectDictionaryError( "Mismatch between expected and actual data size") else: # Just return the data as is return data def encode_raw(self, value: Union[int, float, str, bytes, bytearray]) -> bytes: if isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)): return value elif self.data_type == VISIBLE_STRING: return value.encode("ascii") elif self.data_type == UNICODE_STRING: # Is this correct? return value.encode("utf_16_le") elif self.data_type in self.STRUCT_TYPES: if self.data_type in INTEGER_TYPES: value = int(value) if self.data_type in NUMBER_TYPES: if self.min is not None and value < self.min: logger.warning( "Value %d is less than min value %d", value, self.min) if self.max is not None and value > self.max: logger.warning( "Value %d is greater than max value %d", value, self.max) try: return self.STRUCT_TYPES[self.data_type].pack(value) except struct.error: raise ValueError("Value does not fit in specified type") elif self.data_type is None: raise ObjectDictionaryError("Data type has not been specified") else: raise TypeError( "Do not know how to encode %r to data type %Xh" % ( value, self.data_type)) def decode_phys(self, value: int) -> Union[int, bool, float, str, bytes]: if self.data_type in INTEGER_TYPES: value *= self.factor return value def encode_phys(self, value: Union[int, bool, float, str, bytes]) -> int: if self.data_type in INTEGER_TYPES: value /= self.factor value = int(round(value)) return value def decode_desc(self, value: int) -> str: if not self.value_descriptions: raise ObjectDictionaryError("No value descriptions exist") elif value not in self.value_descriptions: raise ObjectDictionaryError( "No value description exists for %d" % value) else: return self.value_descriptions[value] def encode_desc(self, desc: str) -> int: if not self.value_descriptions: raise ObjectDictionaryError("No value descriptions exist") else: for value, description in self.value_descriptions.items(): if description == desc: return value valid_values = ", ".join(self.value_descriptions.values()) error_text = "No value corresponds to '%s'. Valid values are: %s" raise ValueError(error_text % (desc, valid_values)) def decode_bits(self, value: int, bits: List[int]) -> int: try: bits = self.bit_definitions[bits] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass mask = 0 for bit in bits: mask |= 1 << bit return (value & mask) >> min(bits) def encode_bits(self, original_value: int, bits: List[int], bit_value: int): try: bits = self.bit_definitions[bits] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass temp = original_value mask = 0 for bit in bits: mask |= 1 << bit temp &= ~mask temp |= bit_value << min(bits) return temp
class DeviceInformation: def __init__(self): self.allowed_baudrates = set() self.vendor_name:Optional[str] = None self.vendor_number:Optional[int] = None self.product_name:Optional[str] = None self.product_number:Optional[int] = None self.revision_number:Optional[int] = None self.order_code:Optional[str] = None self.simple_boot_up_master:Optional[bool] = None self.simple_boot_up_slave:Optional[bool] = None self.granularity:Optional[int] = None self.dynamic_channels_supported:Optional[bool] = None self.group_messaging:Optional[bool] = None self.nr_of_RXPDO:Optional[bool] = None self.nr_of_TXPDO:Optional[bool] = None self.LSS_supported:Optional[bool] = None
[docs] class ObjectDictionaryError(Exception): """Unsupported operation with the current Object Dictionary."""
# Compatibility for old names Record = ODRecord Array = ODArray Variable = ODVariable